Series Six Episode Nineteen of the ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio
Podcast has been released. The latest news, North American report
form Frank Howell (K4FMH) and Martin Butler (M1MRB) reviews the
RSGB SSB Field Day 2013.
Etherkit releases CRX1 - A new 40 meter receiver kit
Radio hams to say 'HI' to Juno on 10m
Are UK amateur radio licences really on the increase?
Ham radio involvement in Colorado floods
Ham radio operators lobby Poway council for changes
Reciprocal licensing – Japan and New Zealand
Inflatable antenna could give CubeSats greater reach
Portugal takes action against illegal radio communications
New UK 76GHz distance record
Space Station Slow Scan TV active
About the Podcast
ICQ Podcast, the premier Amateur Radio / Ham Radio Podcast. News, Views, Features, upcoming events and Amateur / Ham radio training. A podcast for you and including you.