Series Seven Episode One
of the ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast has been released. The
latest news, Martin (M1MRB) and Colin (M6BOY) discuss the future of
shortwave radio and Martin reviews Glues and Adhesive.
New CATfix software for
the Kenwood TS-590S and TS-990S
Hong Kong radio hams lend
a helping hand
Tokyo Hy-Power ceases
InnovAntennas acquires
Force 12
Amsterdam Island
W100AW active for ARRL's
Centennial Year
Limerick Radio Club
Special Event Callsign EI4LCC
Successful Ham Radio DF
About the Podcast
ICQ Podcast, the premier Amateur Radio / Ham Radio Podcast. News, Views, Features, upcoming events and Amateur / Ham radio training. A podcast for you and including you.