Aug 7, 2016
In this episode, Martin M1MRB / W9ICQ is joined by Caryn-Eve Murray KD2GUT, Ed Durrant DD5LP , Dan Romanchik KB6NU, Martin Rothwell M0SGL and Chris Howard M0TCH to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief, and this episodes feature is Solar Powered Shacks by Robert EI2HNB.
National Parks on the Air 2017 Update
New Digital Voice Ham Radio Smartphone
5 MHz for Belarusian Radio Hams
Hamvention Relocated
FCC Considering Amateur Services Changes
RSGB Lead Negative Response to 5GHz Changes
Pokémon GO is RadioSport?
2016 Perseid Meteor Peak Shower
Irish Repeater Group Improved Network